Eidon was created to stoke the adventurous flame inside all of us. Active ladies who live for discovering new places, basking in the fresh air, and chasing the surf all year ‘round, this one’s for you. At Eidon, our philosophy — “live, travel, surf” — is more than just a phrase. It’s a lifestyle.

We strive to create a community of likeminded individuals who share our love for the water, have an inexhaustible desire to travel, and are willing to push themselves out of their comfort zone and try something new. We are inspired by and want to inspire women to always embrace life to the fullest.

Every day, adventure awaits us just beyond our front door. We make exciting discoveries near and far, from backyard beaches and neighboring cities to mysterious faraway lands. We taste local flavors and immerse ourselves in unfamiliar cultures. We refuse to believe there isn't more to our world than the ground directly beneath our feet. We are Everyday Adventurers.


eidonlife.com | Instagram | Facebook

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ElleSea Ray Swimwear